Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Have Something to Say-- Essence of doing What you Love:)

Imagine those hairs in your body turning grey, those cheeks slowly dwindling, and those drooping eyes in you, sitting near a beautiful pond watching the birds fly, the ducks swim, and the cool breezing hurrying on to you. Yes, it is the time of your life, when you are past your prime and moving along in life’s own pace. As the winds huddle, your mind rolls back to the past. We sit down and ponder, “How I wish My Life Was”. There were some beautiful and ecstatic moments along the way and some not so great. Some dreams succeeded and some not.

The reminiscence happens because we did not persevere something which we were passionate about.  Yes, I am here to share a thought on my passion. When I say the word passion, I mean the zeal in me to fulfill that desire, that ambition that thirst, before I bid goodbye to this world. It is a self-promise that I have been nurturing into my heart ever since my childhood. As I talk through this, I get reminded of the famous quote by Thomas Alva Edison, “I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun”. The fact that Edison pursued his passion as a profession led him to great glory. These lines struck me deeply as a child and the craving to do what I love has always been there in me. There are certain things in life that money cannot produce and the joy we obtain doing what we love is priceless. It can never be paralleled to money.

I have a dream. The dream of becoming a journalist/reporter. I grew up reading the newspaper titled; “THE HINDU” in INDIA, and that was probably one of my biggest inspirations to make this dream a reality. As a kid, reporters presenting news in TV Channels always attracted my attention. I have still not achieved that dream but I am sure I will make that happen in front of my eyes and see the glee in my heart. This dream of a journalist would help me put forth my views to the world, meet a variety of people and interact with them, and spread the little good things I learn through different forms of media. I can turn the society into a better place to live in my own little way.

I would personally recommend this to everyone. “Do what you love and life will never seem more beautiful”.  By doing things that make us happy, we are on our path to success. Success is not money or fame or name. It is just doing those little things in life, that when recollected make us smile and hold our head high in pride. Imagine this scenario when you sit down and recollect all those lost golden chances, you feel you have betrayed your conscience, you have gone against your own will and all you can do is repent for it. When an opportunity presents itself and if it is something that we have been yearning to do, we should prepare ourselves to take that first big step and proudly say to our self, “Come what May, I am doing what I love”. The end result, as to whether we succeeded or not is a different ball game altogether, but the hindsight is “I did give it a shot”. That is what Life is all about, an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts.

I leave you all with this quote by Hillary Swank, “You have only one life and if you are not doing what you love, what’s the point?”. Thank you once again for giving me this opportunity to turn into a reporter/speaker for a short time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ingredients for the dessert----“THE GOAL”!!!

A simple take on our past, present and future life down the lane, confronts us with the confounding question “ What is my goal???”!! It’s a familiar scenario. Jus penned down my thoughts on the key ingredients necessary to achieve our goal.

My first step would be to figure out what really interests us---“MY INTEREST”.

I say this, simply because at the fag end of the day, it boils down to questions such as who we are and where we want to stand in life. If the above question is answered, it’s half the battle won in search of the dessert ---the goal. I recently had a conversation with my close friend ,when she happened to say,”I have no goal”. I was baffled. I have been with her for quite some time to know her well enough and I realized that she had many things interesting her. She did comprise all the abilities needed to pursue her interests as well. It was just that she needed someone to help her unleash those hidden talents of her and work towards her passion. Similarly, each one of us need a vigor either from within or an external source to help us identify our interest.

Secondly, I would call upon ----“ATTITUDE”

I happened to come across a video of Harsha Bhogle,the popular cricket commentator where he said “Talent can take you through the first door, the second door may be, but it is definitely not going to open the last door for you. It is Attitude that matters”!! The words jus struck me like a lightening. The attitude we possess to pursue our passion is critical. A strong deterministic attitude with a “Never say die spirit” can take us to great depths in life. The road ahead is definitely not going be a stroll in the park, it s filled with stones, pebbles, gravel, sand and barricades. It is being audacious in such situations that helps us come out trumps. A smiling face, a gritty heart, a patient mind and yess… we are definitely heading in the right direction.

And yes lastly, the “EFFORT”!!!

A lot of passion, the right attitude but failure in effort would definitely make us a loser.We taint our own image. As the famous quote goes ”Actions speak louder than words”, our efforts would really go a long way in speaking about how intense our passion is. If we keep chanting our passion without supplementing it with proper effort , then its highly pretentious. So, Interest coupled with lot of passion and sincere effort is highly critical to be successful.

Thus, If the seed is our “INTEREST”

Then nurture and groom play the roles of “ATTITUDE” and “EFFORT” that blossom as the beautiful flower,our “GOAL”!!!

After all that is said and done,I dunno if I have all these,but writing this itself was an eye-opener to me!!!:)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After all,Life s worth a smile!!!

After nearly a year I just thought I would blog in..
[Courtesy:a real life incident that has been picturised as a tamil movie called "Angadi Theru"]

We have heard and seen so many stories of this kind,but this one struck deep in my heart and provocated me to share it.

From a personal front,I have always cribbed over so many things in life that I don have or things that should have been mine or benefitting me.But this one really made me ponder over all of them and come to terms with reality.

Here goes the story.A young boy and a girl working in a garments shop fall in love with each other.The shop owner is the typical bossy attitude person one would expect,who always tortures his folks with his cruel attitude and pain staking words.He goes to incredible heights,harassing young girls in the most brutal manner possible. The behaviour of the shop owner is so outrageous and terrible that its better felt when we view than hear. Girls suffering pathetically with excruciating pain.There are many other pairs of young boys and girls who are in love with each other,working in the same shop.The owner tortures,abuses them and deprives them of their job,once he gets to know the truth.This is a case of daily happening in the shop.Fearing this,many of them quit the job and tried to earn a living on their own.One such pair who quit,enjoyed their new found freedom working on road side shops and earning as much as possible.It was a tiresome job but they enjoyed doing it as they were not bound to the hazards they had to face in the shop.
At the fag end of the day,and having no homes to rest,they lied down in a construction sit on the sand piled up for work.Their mind bristled with hopes and thoughts for the forthcoming day.Once again came the twist in the tale that very night.One of the trucks which has been parked outside the construction site carrying cement and other material for work ,took off in the morning without noticing the young boy and girl sleeping.The vehicle ran through the girl's legs and she lost both of them.

When the girl was completely depressed,thinking its all over in her life,the boy asks"Shall we marry?".She was dumb founded! They married and lived happily thereafter.

Its a very common incident that many of us would have seen and heard,but there is something very nice about it.Life throws so many challenges,hardships upon people but still people manage to face crisis situations with a smile,come out bold and put up a brave face.That's attitude at its best!!!They learn to look at the lighter side of life,enjoy and cherish each and every moment and get on with it.

So,after all that life has given us ,its definitely worth a smile!!! and not jus a simple smile but

A proud smile over all the tough scenarios we met in the past for having over come them,
A joyful smile over all the happenings of the present that we are enjoying them,
A curious smile in anticipation of what the future has in store for us and we are ready to meet them!!!

Keep smiling:))

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hi friends,

August 10,2009.A dream come true for me.Guess what!!! Yeah,my Masters had begun.My spirits were sky high and I was exuberance personified .Right from my engineering ,masters was something that i had always wanted to pursue.So it was a magical day to start off. But in not less than 72 hours,my spirits crashed down and I was left pondering if I had really made the right choice.Yeah,the work pressure,mental pressure and others were just too much asking or rather I was not prepared for it ,as I had a really good time in engineering.. All of a sudden,I was into a new horizon,lot of responsibilities,left alone to figure out things the way,they ought to be done.There were countless days I spent in wilderness,thinking of what next and many probing questions cropping up for which I never had an answer.

But,the lighter side of it was I had found really good friends,some caring shoulders to lean upon and cry.My first acquaintance was with Rashmi and Sudha.Gem of characters,both of them.Ah!How can i forget jeevani veera?She enquired me very curiously for the first time.A very sweet person.I slowly got to know more and more people and started relishing their company.The fresher's party,the foundation day were all memorable days with extra ordinary fun!!! But to top it all was my Birthday.My friends made it a spectacular one ,which i dare to forgt.The party,the celebration,each and every moment is still afresh in memory.Thanks to all those loved ones:)) Ah,and many suprise calls tat day.Those wishes and my friends made tat day:)

As I,started writing this blog I showcased the atmosphere here at IIITB as a terrifying place to be in.But let me assure you,the campus,the environment,the professors..God ur in one of God's enchanting creations.The mental pressure and work pressure is something that i have started to get myself accustomed to it.And yes day,I remember speaking to one person,and the message simply struck.The thought that plunged upon me was "Accept the challenge.This is the system followed.Y crib over smething u cant change".Fabulous.Was an eye opener to me.

I write this exactly,after spending 90 days here at IIITB.To put it "I dunno if these 90 days were beautiful,terrifying or a combo..but the next 447 days is gonna be a magical journey for me here:)) If "I get myself mentally prepared and accept the challenges!!!"

The If clause is the pivot here:))